酔うとキス魔になってしまうので極力お酒は飲まないようにしていた若妻のまひろ。今まで町内会の飲みの席は全て断っていたが忘年会だけは参加することに。 お酒を勧められても断るまひろだったが町長からの強要に負け飲んでしまい…キス魔に豹変! 若くて勃ちの良さそうな男に狙いを定め旦那やママ友に隠れてヤリまくる!
Mahiro, a young wife, tries not to drink alcohol as much as possible because she becomes a kisser when she gets drunk. Up until now, she had refused all drinking parties at neighborhood associations, but she decided to attend the year-end party. When Mahiro is offered alcohol, she refuses, but she gives in to the mayor’s coercion and ends up drinking…and suddenly turns into a kisser! She targets young men with good erections and fucks them while hiding from her husband and mom friends!